Wednesday, January 7

Okay have not been updating for few days now,so before my blog rust like an unuse metal scrap or decompose like a living zombies i shall rant about something or anything..heheh! Hmm let me see these few days have been boring,just stayed home rotting! Bahh well two more of my friends,Yusuf and Herman pledge to die for the country just yesterday,ns la gundu!! Hahahahaha!! Anywayz,yeahh yeahh my time will come soon enough..

Anywayz,heard many scary and lame stories in camp from my firend who already went in,one example the scary one is they believe there is at least one *you know what* in every bunk..and every night all they do is either they just wanna play with you like disturb while you sleeping,shaking of bed,feel as if someone holding you but theres no one you see..if not they will scare you,like make creepy sound,flying around crying.."i want maggie"!!! Okay thats lame..hahahahahah!!

But the lame side of it..they say these one story is common but abit nonsense to me,it goes like tihs,they say at night never say you are hungry cuz once you go to sleep,two soul of a grandmother and a daughter will walk around the bunk at night selling epok-epok..hahahaahaha!! i swear,i was laughing to it when i hear it at first,but till now i dont knw whether to believe...and the scary part if the daughter caught you not sleeping then she will tell her granmother something like this.. "grandma,why is that boy not sleeping?" now imagine that with unthinkable voice...aiseyybedah my english getting powerful ahh..hahahahha!! biase jugak! :)

okay thats are some of the story i heard,for once from the bottom of my heart these are all not fake,im just writtnig down from what i heard..hope you guys have good sleep tonight and a very very "sweet dream"!! muahahahaha!! you just might have some visitor companyng to tonight..kidding la!!
