Saturday, February 28


the amount of alcohol we had


Some who were there...


So lester's party,INTOXICATION was a big success i was a blast for me,the crowd was awesome,and the music was great,hahaha!! very the kecoh,as if there was some clubbing going on it began,pple start drinking their lungs,enjoying the for me i did drink but not too much,i want to be a relaxs boy already,hahaha!! yeahh met many many old friends and made some new ones..
And yeahh thanks lester for forcing me to get drunk but in the end i nvr...hahahah! took a number of shots from the cup and bottle as well,wtf! i was thinking this was my last event im going to before..(i dont want say it) but yeahh like i say it was worth it so congrats to lester for the happening party! (: one more event pls...
btw,omg! 12 is the number from now!